What Men Can Learn From Romance Novels (or the answer to the question "What do women want?"
Part 9 Choreplay comes before foreplay!
In romance novels, ladies want to read about the thrill of attraction, about what it’s like to be truly desired by a lover, and about those moments when the hero is totally tuned in to the thoughts, desires and dreams of his lady love. It’s a long, slow process as the hero and heroine discover what it’s going to take to end up making amazing love with each other.
“All this talk about romance and foreplay sounds great,” I hear you thinking, “but with the jobs and kids we barely have time for a quickie, much less extended foreplay.”
Anyway men, there’s an answer to the time problem too. First of all, if you’re busy people, ya’ kinda hafta schedule sex. That way, you both know when ‘tonight is the night.’ In previous blogs in this series, we said that ‘Trust equals Lust’ and that ‘the guy who cheerfully does Dad Duty is the guy who gets the booty.’ Let me add another silly-but-true saying here that clears up her mind for sexy times – choreplay comes before foreplay! When you work around the house without being asked, noticing what’s going on and what needs to be done, you are truly a hero. And your woman would much rather have you as her hero than some guy in a romance novel – all you have to do is share your feelings, your time, your humor and your words with her, showing her you’re willing to do what it takes to make sexy times happen! (Look for two more tips to come on this blog series.)