What Men Can Learn From Romance Novels (or the answer to the question "What do women want?"
Part 2 It’s good to be open about feelings.
In romance novels, the heroine is always thrilled when the hero lets down his guard and shows his true self. It may be tough for him to talk about his past or his feelings, but he goes for it because he wants to hear these same things from her. You might be saying to yourself, “I knew it, I knew there would be all kinds of ‘talking about feelings’ crap!”

In order to talk about feelings, you have to actually think about them, and most men would rather bench press 175 or kill some Call of Duty bad guys. Yes, there’s a lot of humorous banter, open conversation and emotion in romance novels, largely because for women these are the stepping stones to trust. And to women, TRUST is essential to LUST (but more about that in later posts).
Bottom line, ya’ gotta say the words guys! Not just ‘I love you,’ but words like ‘appreciate,’ ‘admire,’ and ‘thank you,’ pretty much the same ones you want to hear. Words matter to women and that’s one of the reasons why we read romance novels. (Look for nine more tips to come on this blog series.)